Tennis Themed Birthday Party With Bespoke Napkins
There’s a themed birthday party and then there’s an epic themed birthday party! This tennis themed event featuring our beautiful bespoke napkins is luxury at its finest with vintage vibes and epic tablescapes – it’s been one we’ve been looking forward to sharing with you!

We first spoke to Susanna in January 2022, for a birthday party in June 2022. Bespoke napkin orders can take a long time to plan and perfect! We created several samples, different towels, size of towel, fonts and thread colours – until the perfect size, embroidery colour and font was chosen!

We hear from Susanna Richardson of Everything Organised
“Tennis is something I know very little about but this wasn’t any ordinary tennis, it was Vintage Tennis of yesteryear. Oodles of white and natural wood. Firstly we had to find an orangery marquee. Not an easy task post-Brexit but Northdown Marquees Ltd stepped up and boy did they do an amazing job! We wanted this to be special. Something which hasn’t been seen before and an event with serious wow!

“The first thing was the Hydrangea border, which Ruth from All For Love London went to Amsterdam to handpick. They were then babysat in a refrigerated truck for days to keep them full and gorgeous. We also used a lot of plants which went off to be planted in the client’s garden. Not to lose the fruit and veg theme, thousands of strawberries were added. A bit like being a kid at a pick your own farm, I think we all ate as many as we put out”

“The giant custom table was a risk! The client wasn’t keen. After measuring it out in the garden I knew we had to do it. I said that if they didn’t love it, I’d pay for it. Thank goodness a gamble which paid off! One of my favourite moments of the whole weekend was the kid’s army crawling down the centre of the table to surprise the birthday girl at the other end. Not often do you get to do that! Embroidered towels as place cards, lasered tennis balls for an escort wall, a pianist and a roasting umpire just added to this wonderful luncheon.”

“The custom scoreboard was one of my favourite pieces. Such a fun way to introduce some personal touches. I know we drove the team at Gizmodis Play insane with the many changes but it was worth it. Although, not as crazy as poor Spruce York who made the mini picnic tables and had to order ridiculous amounts of stain to sample. Dessert was a hyper-real tennis ball filled with, of course, strawberries and cream. We did manage to steal one so I can state they were stunning and delicious. I’ll always be grateful for having worked on this event. Such a stunner and one never to be repeated”

Please don’t be afraid to get in touch with us months before your event to create the perfect napkin or embroidered place setting! We look forward to hearing your event theme ideas!

The Team – Tennis-Themed Birthday Party With Bespoke Napkins
Photography @innanovaphotography / Planner @everythingorganised / Marquee @northdownmarqueesltd / Flowers @allforlovelondon / Picnic Table @spruce_york / Scoreboard @GizmodisPlay